Migrating to the Apple MacBook Air M2
Note to self on how to seamless go from an Intel-based Mac to the new M2.
All of my long-form thoughts in chronological order. Including the stuff I don't believe anymore but I keep for historical purposes.
Note to self on how to seamless go from an Intel-based Mac to the new M2.
Challenge #17 – Table of Contents Web Component
Challenge #10 – Verify Code Screen
Challenge #9 – Image Carousel
Challenge #8 – Weather App
Challenge #7 – Tip Calculator
Challenge #6 – Range Slider
Challenge #5 – Multi-select Checkboxes in Preact & Vue
Challenge #4 – Computer Keyboard
Challenge #3 – Creating a keyboard
Challenge #2 – Creating an eCommerce component
Challenge #1 – Create a Pomodoro timer
Don't `catch` more than you need.
Page paths should match the URL and end with "index"
Using `class` to abstract complexity in GraphQL resolvers.
The viral post that lead to Create React App, Babel's preset-env, and more.
How to take Jest snapshots from Storybook (before Storyshots existed)
Ecosystem > Lockin
React can seem daunting, but it can be really similar to PHP & traditional websites.
Seeing RESTful API design patterns turn into GraphQL.
The best designs arise from a need, not assumptions.
Webpack's loaders have multiple, somewhat confusing APIs.
Experimenting with time to be creative
React's `event` system isn't the same as the DOM's!
Why it's difficult to make time to write.
Dated, incorrect reflection of why Windows wasn't well-supported.
Somewhat dated advice for what worked well when hiring individual contributors.
Sometimes content needs to live dangerously.
Use mutations and late-references to work around circular references.
Simple Node scaling using `cluster`
Tips for programmatically migrating data using Node.
Creating a SPA router with AngularJS
Avoiding "academic" in favor of "utility"
Preventing micro-management & time-tracking without new processes