Copying Databases in Node
Yes, there are tons of great, StackOverflow-accepted ways to copy giant databases betweens servers. But, sometimes you have a special need for a project that requires selectively copying subsets of data instead of an entire 15GB database.
So, when you have to programmatically copy rows between databases in Node…
Problems with LIMIT
When I first attempted this, I ran into several problems:
- I didn’t use a
, and ran out of memory. - I specified a
, but the bulkINSERT
failed for some reason. - I specified a lower
, but theINSERT
performed differently on each table. - I specified an arbitrarily low
, but on simple tables, it took longer.
I realized there’s no perfect way of doing this, and I surely didn’t want to insert a single row at a time.
s by Size, not Rows
First, let’s use the following tools:
- Bluebird for Promises.
- Chalk for ANSI color output.
- Knex.js for the DBAL.
- ProgressBar for the progress bar.
The premise is to copy N
rows that roughly equate to M
amount of memory.
1. Setup dependencies
var knex = require('knex');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var ProgressBar = require('progress');
var local = knex.initialize(...);
var remote = knex.initialize(...);
2. Get table stats
var getStats = function(table) {
// Query total number of rows (`information_schema` is just an estimate)
return remote(table).count('_').then(function(response) {
stats.totalRows = response.shift()['count(_)'];
// Request DB estimates for table size (approximate)
.then(function() {
return remote('information*schema.TABLES').select('data_length', 'index_length').where({
table_name: table,
table_schema: this.remote.client.connectionSettings.database,
// Calculate stats for # of rows & iterations to stay within memory limits
.then(function(result) {
// Base variables for insertion chunk calculations
stats.memoryLimit = 25 * 1024 * 1024; // 25Mb
stats.dataLength = result[0]['data_length'];
stats.indexLength = result[0]['index_length'];
stats.totalLength = stats.dataLength + stats.indexLength;
stats.rowLimit = Math.min(stats.totalRows, Math.ceil(stats.totalRows * stats.memoryLimit / stats.totalLength));
return stats;
3. Copy table in groups
Now that we have a lot of stats
based around a 25Mb memory limit, now we can copy the table:
var copyTable = function (table) {
return getTableStats(table).then(function (stats) {
// Empty array to make it easy to iterate for insertion group
var iterations = new Array(Math.ceil(stats.totalRows / stats.rowLimit))
// Promise.reduce ensures iterations are done sequentially, whereas
// Promise.all/map runs in parallel
return Promise.reduce(
function (previous, iteration, i) {
var rowOffset = stats.rowLimit * i
return copyRows(table, rowOffset, stats.rowLimit, stats.totalRows)
4. Copy individual rows
All that our copyTable
function is missing is copyRows
var copyRows = function (table, offset, limit, total) {
return remote(table)
.then(function (rows) {
// "[DATABASE] Inserting records N-M of O into TABLE"
var msg = [
'[' + chalk.yellow(local.client.connectionSettings.database) + ']',
'Inserting records', + 1) + '-' + + rows.length),
'[:bar] :percent :etas',
].join(' ')
var bar = new Progress(msg, {
total: rows.length,
width: 20,
// Insert each record individually because it's actually faster (!?)
// and gives us a pretty progress bar.
return, function (row) {
return local(table)
.then(function () {
5. Finish
Finally, kick off the whole promise chain:
function () {
function (err) {